The Cattail Press
Guest Book


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September 1, 2001 - October 18, 2001


Date: October 18, 2001
Name: Jimmy Lobley
Location: Front Royal, Virginia

hi Ken --
What a fantastic website. Corinna seemed like it would never bounce back after the fire in the 70s and subsequent closing of the mill. I spent a lot of my youth in Corinna visiting my Aunt & Uncle, Laura & Lewis Cook, and my grandparents (Leatha & Till Moses) when they moved back to Corinna in 1972 after a 17 year absence living in Massachusetts. I have many fond memories of the town and its friendly people and of church suppers, and walking around town.
It was always a nice place to visit. It really sounds like Corinna is poised to make a dynamic reappearance and be a real showplace for what it means to live in Maine. Keep up the good work. I would love to get back to Corinna one day. My mother, Joyce (Moses - CUA Class of '45) Lobley lives in Ft. Myers, Florida now and was saying the same thing to me. It would be nice.

Date: October 18, 2001
Name: nancy
Location: corinna

ken- have you tried the new bbq place in town? they are the best. have eaten there twice and love it. great flavor and variety. nice people too! to bad that the construction crews don't visit his place since they keep his drive way blocked most of the time. they don't know what they are missing. if you haven't tried it, i suggest that you do!! nancy

Date: October 17, 2001
Name: Bud Hilliker
Location: Jacksonville FL

Hi Ken,
Check the Cattail Press every day. Keep up the good work. My opinion on the rotary is that the world has us going around in enough circles; why give us another one to deal with. If it has to be, let it be somewhere else.
God bless America.

Date: October 17, 2001
Name: Norm Clarke
Location: 25 over par

Ken, Have been busy harvesting pumpkins. Most of them have fallen from the pumpkin trees now, so gathering is easy. The photo yesterday of the town hall was nice but I thought that removing the trees was supposed to have made it better. Looks a little more run down than I expected.
Anyway, could you maybe run some before and after photos of the town sometime? The way it was and the way it is now. Not just the construction area but all over town. Various locations. There must be some old photos available for this. Thought it would be a neat idea to note the changes. Some more stuff for your coffee table photo book.
I have seen a few in the past and they were interesting.

Norm- I like before and after shots, too. -Ken

Date: October 16, 2001
Location: Corinna

Is the old house the Dearborn house on the Packard Rd.?

Yes. It caught my eye.

Date: October 16, 2001
Name: Jeff Jacob
Location: Corinna

Ken-Thanks so much for that great fall picture of my house Monday! As you can see, it's probably a little late in the year to finish all the yard work but I think I still have time to get the banking up around the foundation. (Do a homeowner's chores ever end?)

Jeff- I know, there is always something that needs doing. -Ken

Date: October 16, 2001
Name: Jane Quimby Biscoe
Location: Waldoboro, Maine

I cannot imagine anything more gruesome than the placement of a rotary in Corinna village. Surely there must be a safe and sensible alternative that will be more in keeping with the plans for the town. Having lived in Massachusetts for 37 years (before having the sense to return to Maine), I can attest to the fact that rotaries are A) dangerous; B) confusing; and C) downright ugly!!!! Here's hoping that wise heads will prevail.

Jane- Yes, my only experiences in a rotary (all terrible) have been in Augusta. However, this thing proposed for Corinna is a "round-about". We are told it is very different from a rotary. There's one in Gorham. I've talked with two people who live and drive there. They say is works very problem to drive through. I am skeptical. -Ken


Date: October 15, 2001
Name: Bufffy
Location:  Northern Maine

Hi Ken, 
just checking in since way back when this site first started! Glad to see you still are getting great reviews on the Guestbook..... I hadnt heard of the rotary circle till I just read a few guest book sign ins. UGH! I agree with Norman etc. 
Could you post another poll in regards to this?
Possibly it would help it be decided Not to be done to Corinna and they would think twice about the idea. I couldnt imagine why on earth they would do such a thing, and for such a country setting likeness town ! Well I havent been able to view the progress from the site in quite awhile - crash troubles on this bird, but was able to drive there the other day, such a strange feeling to drive the road and see all thats happened recently. My crash problem is fixed but the color isnt high enough to take it in this computer! Nice to see the site is still on and running! Thank you and May God Bless You Also for all your kindness to us all here on the Cattail ! Catch Ya ! Buffy !!

Date: October 13, 2001
Name: Richard C. Meyer
Location: Corinna, Maine

please, God, don't let them put a 'rotary' in Corinna. 
i've driven in new jersey, where there were dozens, maybe a hundred of them. they're all torn out now, cause they just don't work and create a lot of accidents and corn-fusion. although a big statue in the middle of one might be nice.

Date: October 13, 2001
Name: Howard Small
Location: Yarmouth 

Dear Ken. There was nothing about the main structure internally like the old school. The up stairs assembly room and stage Whereas the old building had the English dept and typing room plus Commercial dept with spiral stairs. Everything about it was new. They may have salvaged the shell but everything else was brand new. I believe Walter Ireland worked on it. I am sure he would know. The old CUA was very primitive no running water and out houses in a shed out back. I realize this is probably much ado about nothing. You were certainly correct about the trees in front of Stewart Building. I have connected with several old friends through your site. I wish my present town had a Ken. Howard

Date: October 13, 2001
Name: Wayne R Brown
Location: Fort Myers FL
Email: rubway@earthlink,net

I believe Howard Small is correct with his comments on the new CUA. I did not start attending CUA until the fall of '32 and my class was the first to complete four full years in the new building. I know there are several persons still in Corinna who should be able to verify this but do not think any of them are on internet:Alice Thurston Bird, Jerome Emerson, Walter Ireland should know what happened. NOTE to Howard - I will write you again soon. . . Wayne

Date: October 12, 2001
Name: Howard Small
Location: Yarmouth

Hi Ken Looking over the 2001 photos of CUA I note that with the 1931 sketch it said that two wings were added. My recollection is that the old building was destroyed by fire and the current building was all new. I attended both and dedicated the new building at the first assembly. Your site and your dedication are appreciated by many of us old timers.

Howard- Thank you. I am not aware of any fire at the CUA building. I believe the main section is original. -Ken

Date: October 12, 2001
Name: Gerald Smith
Location: Windsor, Ca. / Dexter, Me. 

Ken, Local News section with links to Bangor Daily articles is a nice touch. Keep up the excellent work.

Thanks, Gerald. Corinna has been in the BDN often, lately. -Ken

Date: October 11, 2001
Name: matia azevedo
Location: brockton, ma

hello, the pictures are beautiful. my cousin ruth edgett lives in corinna and i have only been there once. what an interesting web page. to watch a town being re-built. will check often to see the progress. matia azevedo

Date: October 9, 2001
Name: elizabeth (betty) richards
Location: dexter
Email: lizrichards@acadia.nrt

thanks again, ken, for making a place for all CUA alumni to register on forum. this will be a big help for us all to reconnect with schoolmates. we are so fortunate to have someone with your talent and willingness to provide any service your devoted web site followers ask for. keep up the good work and great pictures. much appreciated.

Date: October 9, 2001
Name: Norm Clarke
Location: Pittsfield

People of Corinna unite! Don't let them put in a rotary! Protest, strike, burn leaves, whatever!
In the local papers last week was a report on the most dangerous intersections in Maine. Topping the list were the two rotaries in Augusta.
That intersection, in Corinna, has been there for a thousand years with no problem. From the cave men to the covered wagons, to the present, there have been no problems there where the roads converge. Why in heavens name change it. Especially put in a traffic circle. All of which, by the way, are designed by the insurance companies.
I know that I don't live in Corinna but those folks who will have to navigate this mess daily should really fight it.

Date: October 9, 2001
Name: Alden Schmitz
Location: Bellevue, Nebraska

I am enjoying the new Forum "CUA Alumni" and just wonder how many alumni are familiar the the site As of this morning, there are 52 CUA alum listed on this site...You may want to check it out.

Date: October 9, 2001
Name: Mary Bowden
Location: Corinna

Hi Folks,
Here's a flag for your screen!
Great Site, Ken

Date: October 6, 2001
Name: Marilyn Conway
Location: Prague, Oklahoma

What a beautiful view of the Stewart Library Building! The excavation and tractors will go, but how about the next improvement be getting those ugly telephone poles and wires underground!
After visiting recently, I can envision an absolutely beautiful village setting. To all involved, keep up the good work!

Date: October 4, 2001
Name: Jeff Jacob
Location: Corinna

Ken-That hole in Area 1 is ENORMOUS! I know you've been trying to tell us as much for a few weeks, but seeing is really believing. While waiting in traffic on the bridge today, I scooted over to the passenger window to peek out over the railing and saw a VERY large truck, VERY far away, deep down in the hole. I was just thinking how large that hole must be when I realized that there was an ENTIRE EXCAVATOR, completely hidden from view, digging even deeper! I could just barely see the top of it's arm as filled the truck! (So when they strike oil, who gets the rights?)
Also: I wanted to say how much this web site is appreciated. It really does provide a little bit of continuity during these uncertain times.

Date: October 3, 2001
Name: Judi Brooks
Location: Corinna, Me. USA

It's hard to believe this web page has been going on for three years. Ken you haven't dragged your heels once. For one person to keep at this for so long and to do such a remarkable job is something to be proud of. You certainly make us all proud of our little town. I've learned more about this town from this webpage than any where else. You've made it so interesting. Thanks....

Judi- Thank you. The first pages were posted in the 1998. Things have certainly change since then. -Ken

Date: October 2, 2001
Name: Deanna
Location: Stetson

Hello, haven't been in to say anything for a very long time yes you are doing a great job still on this sight, just as exciting as ever. I don't see to much of people that I know talk on her anymore, but have made some good friends. Keep up the good work
Hello, Aunt Lorrain, Aunt Gladys, and mom lol

Date: October 2, 2001
Name: Ron-Linda Richards
Location: Roseville mi.

Ken, keep up the good work.

Date: October 1, 2001
Name: Gary & Michelle Dumoulin
Location: Massachusetts

Gary found your site last night! We stayed up until after midnight enjoying the wonderful photos. I especially love the nature ones.
We are moving to Corinna in two weeks. What a great opportunity this was for us to take a look at what we can expect at our new home. We look forward to being a part of this new community. 
Thanks for your work - Greetings from, Gary, Michelle and our 3 sons

Gary, Michelle and boys- Let me be among the first to say,  "Welcome to Corinna". I'm sure you'll find it to be a good place to live and raise children. -Ken

Date: October 1, 2001
Name: Wayne R Brown
Location: Fort Myers FL
Email: rubway@earthlink,net

I certainly agree with the sentiments expressed by Norman this morning. As one of the readers and photo admirers from far away it is very meaningful to watch the progress in my old home town. My daughter and her husband were in Corinna earlier this week and I am anxious to hear their reaction to the changes. Wayne

Date: September 29, 2001
Name: Norm Clarke
Location: never quite sure

Each day that I enter into this site I am thankful for your efforts in making it available and possible.
The response has been fantastic. The letters and comments from friends, known and unknown, are read with extreme interest.
You neither edit nor censor what is on, unless in bad taste, nor take sides on any issue. This site is simply for past and present Corinna dwellers to express their thoughts and opinions.
The terrific photos are an added bonus. and are at most times, amazing. I often see people now who say; "Saw your letter on The Cattail Press", or; "Have you checked out The Cattail Press today?".
The fame and popularity of this site is far flung and it's great to see people take advantage of it.
Thank you, again, for doing this. I enjoy logging on each day to see what's new, to catch a familiar name or to go back and forth in time.
Perhaps I send too many letters but since my newspaper column stopped, I have to have something for this foggy mind and numb fingers to do.

Norman- Thank you so much for your comments. It is gratifying to hear from you and others who view the site...such an amazing group of people, filled with varied opinions and caring for a community that extends well beyond the borders of Corinna. I invite you all to send guest book entries often. It is the most important part of the site. More is better. Thank you all for your contributions. -Ken

Date: September 28, 2001
Name: Jim Worster
Location: Some were in Maine

With all that has been going on it is nice to be able to check in on the town and its people. With all that has changed in Corinna and the World its good to see how we were raised in a great town will stay with use forever. It always was a great town and still is. Its the people in the Town that make it not the location or buildings of the Town. Corinna is full of great people.

Date: September 27, 2001
Name: Daniel Parker
Location: New Bern, NC

Kenny what is your thoughts on a CUA up date so people can get up with their friends?

Daniel- I think it is a great idea. I'm sure CUA alumni would be interested. However, I don't have time to set it up separately on The Cattail Press. I would be pleased to have any CUA alumni send in their email addresses or other contact information to this page as a Guest Book entry. Those interested could collect the information as it comes in. I could put an announcement on the from page encouraging people to do so. -Ken

Date: September 26, 2001
Name: Jim Emerson
Location: Corinna (where else?)

Good answer, Ken, Good answer

Date: September 25, 2001
Name: Brian Knowles
Location: Rochester NY

The library looks great. To bad to cut a tree but the end definitely justifies the means. Now can you get the poles cut and the wires put underground?
Norm what was the name of that creek you were up? I seem to remember being up a that same creek without a paddle.
Maine is looking like a better place to all the time.
Ken thanks for the site.

Date: September 25, 2001
Name: Gerald Smith
Location: Windsor, Ca.

With all due respect to your continued excellent work on Cattail Press, seems you really do take your cues from town management and the EPA..

Gerald- Thank you for the compliment. You are right. My purpose is not to "report", as if I were a news agency. This web site is a record of what I find interesting in what is happening here, where I live. I make no claim of objectivity or even fairness in the content. -Ken 

Date: September 25, 2001
Name: Marilyn Conway
Location: Prague, Oklahoma

I was at the Stewart Library Building 9/11/01 to take care of some business at the town office. What a grand old building! Imagine my delight when I checked in this morning and could see it! 
I returned to Oklahoma on American Airlines via Bangor, Boston, Dallas, and finally Oklahoma City. Only took me from 10:30 a.m. 9/15/01 to 
4 a.m. 9/16/01 - BUT I GOT HOME! (My luggage got to Prague 12am 9/17/01) It was quite a sight to see Logan Airport only allowing one airplane to take off, and one to land. Passengers on my flights applauded when the plane took off because we were all worried about having to be stuck in an airport for long periods of time. Each flight was one step closer to home. One flight in Boston arrived with a lot of the crews from other flights aboard and they were met with much applause, tears, and hugs by other crew members who had congregated to meet them. HOW FORTUNATE WE ARE TO HAVE BEEN BORN IN THE UNITED STATES! And, in our case to have been born in a small town in Maine. (Hi Fred, Dawn, Bill & Fawn! Sure was great seeing y'all.)

Date: September 25, 2001
Name: Judy Doore
Location: Town Office

Ken, As usual, your picture is perfect. It has captured exactly what was intended with the tree removal. This beautiful building can be seen and it is cradled in the other maples left standing. Thank you for your continuing work on the cattail!

Date: September 24, 2001
Name: Bruce A. Ervin
Location: Pensacola, Florida

It has taken 90 minutes for me to get got up with what people are saying. 
I have seen and did alot of things during my 22 years in the Navy. (1970-1992) 
The flag was how I was raised in Corinna and I know that things are still the same there. 
I have plans to come home for Thanksgiving, but that will depend on alot of things now as the USA goes forward. Lets wave the FLAG!!!
Your work with Cattails will mean alot to the service men and women of Corinna and the State of Maine, you will bring them a piece of home. 31 years after the fact it still does for me.
Keep up with the fine work Ken.

Date: September 22, 2001
Name: Edgar Rockwell
Location: New Bern N.C

Ken, A movement has been started like that from Desert Storm. During Desert Storm we tied ribbons anywhere we could. Well, now the movement is to tie purple ribbons the same way. This is for two reasons. In remembrance of not only the firefighters, police officers, paramedics who have died, but also for all who died in this terrible tragedy. Just as in the military, when a serviceman gets injured, he is given the Purple Heart. Well our country has been injured to its core. Please pass this on to everyone you know, and lets see purple ribbons everywhere. Along with the flag of the United States of America. God Bless her.

Date: September 21, 2001
Name: Norm Clarke
Location: Pittsfield via Connecticut and Corinna

I enjoyed the historic photos, especially the ice bridge photo. I don't know the identities of the men in the boat. The possibility of them being related is strong because many of my ancestors were frequently up a creek.
The excellent photo of the ice on the bridge and the old downtown brought back memories of the block, Holbrook's he Western Auto, Edgerly's etc.
It shows that Corinna has undergone many changes and has survived. There are so many possibilities for the "new" Corinna. This is but one more change in it's long history. The potential is there for something great.

Date: September 19, 2001
Name: Claudia Breslin
Location: Wickford RI USA!!

Just returned home to RI. I was in Maine when the terrible events of Sept. 11th unfolded. It was my sister Jeanne and her husband David's 30th wedding anniversary. It was also the anniversary of LLoyd and Audrey Bolstridge. What a horrific event to have forever linked to their special day. I heard on the news this morning someone had said "They can destroy our buildings and our landmarks, but buildings are not America, America lives in the hearts and souls of the American People. That cannot be destroyed." God Bless America and all my dear friends in Corinna.

Date: September 18, 2001
Name: Norm Clarke
Location: Pittsfield Maine USA

Has anyone noticed how ironic it was that the horror visited upon us happened on September 11, (911)
As we near a week since this violation occurred, our friends and allies are already starting to back off a little from their first reaction to last Tuesday's events. America will once again have to stand alone, or almost alone to find and eliminated these germs of society. They are like the Maine black fly. No matter how many you kill, there are many more to take their place and they keep coming at you.
We maybe are at a point, finally, where we can and will no longer tolerate this terrorism. We now have to stand behind our leaders with a show of support, be very careful to direct our anger and resolve at the true enemy and not our Arabic friends and neighbors, and help whatever way we can. Even if it means just displaying the flag. This is a "war" that may take some time to win but it is possible.
As someone said recently on TV, they have broken our hearts but not our spirit. We will persevere.
Our lives have changed forever and we are now a little less free. But, we are bound together by by that same spirit that makes us the best nation on earth.

Date: September 17, 2001
Name: Jane Quimby Biscoe
Location: Waldoboro, ME

After what has been the most horrendous week that any of us can remember, my husband and I drove through Corinna today on our way to our daughter's home in Exeter. I was deeply moved to see the beautiful new road with its bridge and to visualize what our dear town will be in the future. Blessings on all who have worked so hard to make this a reality - it is truly remarkable what has been accomplished. 
Terrorism cannot quench our spirit as long as we have each other and our faith. Loving wishes to all!

Date: September 15, 2001
Name: Paul Sinclair
Location: 82nd Airborne Div.

Hello Mic

Date: September 14, 2001
Name: Jim Emerson
Location: Relatively safe downtown Corinna

Somehow our pollution problem doesn't seem as bad as it did a couple of days ago. Let us all pray for the victims of this senseless, cowardly act of terrorism. Proudly display your American flags from every possible location. United We Stand. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Date: September 13, 2001
Name: Bruce Clarke
Location: Corinna

I've decided not to call September 11th an act of terrorism. To do that would mean that we were terrified, that we recoiled in terror. We did not, we do not. We react with grief and anger, to be sure; but also resolve and determination. Our country ,our beliefs, are based upon so much more than tangible losses we've suffered. Have we lost the sheen off our innocence? To be sure. But terrified? No. These were not terrorists. They were mere killers, cowards, pitiless creatures, victims themselves, in a way, of a twisted belief that accepts this as reward. These nameless entities will just disappear, while America, in all her glory and value of life, liberty, and the pursuit of Freedom, lives on. God Bless America.

Date: September 13, 2001
Name: Brian Knowles
Location: Rochester NY

Thanks for the flag! Maybe we should all make it wallpaper for a while.

Date: September 13, 2001
Name: Bob Wallace
Location: Duluth, MN

I signed on to the Cattail Press this morning to see the latest in Corinna, also expecting that Ken would have a few words regarding the attack yesterday on our country. When I saw the beautiful American Flag displayed there, with no comment as none was needed, I was overcome with emotion. Thank you Ken for such a simple, yet powerful message.

Date: September 12, 2001
Name: Ryan Stankevitz
Location: Mooresville, NC

Ken what if you started a forum and we just put a brief summary for ourselves and contact info we could do it by years in the forum? just a thought

Date: September 11, 2001
Name: Brian Knowles
Location: Rochester NY

Referencing Dan Parkers suggestion, about 50 of the CUA alumni are listed on a site call I assume there are alumni from Nokomis also listed there. The problem with is it just list names. In order to get in touch with people listed you have to sign up and pay a fee. I assume most have not paid, at least I have been too cheap to spend the money. It would be nice to have reference list with addresses.
The pumkin picture is great, my wife will appreciate it. Her goal is to come back to Maine and a start a pumkin patch!
Thanks for the site

Date: September 11, 2001
Name: Norm Clarke
Location: over par

Ken, Another terrific photo! Nice contrast in colors. Another wallpaper photo? Still wish you would pursue the book of photos idea. Was that a baseball player in the corn, a little left of center?
Sad to see Main Street gone. Many trips up and down it "crusin" years ago. Many memories of all the stores and businesses.

Date: September 10, 2001
Name: Daniel Parker
Location: New Bern, NC

Kenny, is there any way you could get a class mate page started so some of us could get in touch we each other? Maybe it could have their names at graduation, E-mail address, year graduated and where they live now.
Daniel Parker

Daniel- This is a good idea. I think there may already be an alumni page on another site. I will try to find it. -Ken

Date: September 6, 2001
Name: Adrian Bakas
Location: Port Orange, Fl

Your site was suggested by down homer Bud Hilliker. I find it to be very interesting and different. Darrell [Bud] Hilliker is a MAINE boy from head to toe. We were Navy shipmates during WW2 and still get together on occasion.

Date: September 4, 2001
Name: Brian Knowles
Location: Etna, Maine

Had a chance to get a first hand look at Corinna and drive across the new bridge this weekend. What are the general plans for the future, park, stores, businesses, etc. After seeing everything it doesn't look like there is much space for new buildings on Main Street. Thanks for the site and all your hard work.

Date: September 4, 2001
Name: Terry and Sallie Morancie

Well, we made the trip to the annual Cookout put on by Preston and helpers, Dwight Colbath, Bill, Ed ect yesterday. Had a good time as usual and the Pig was better than it has ever been... Very well done and very moist. The big pile of dirt is getting bigger and the rocks look like prison yard somewhere. What are they going to do with all of the fill. ??????? Those rocks would make a nice wall for a new pond..

Date: September 1, 2001
Name: Susan
Location: Ledyard,CT

Well I have returned from Maine and my short visit to Corinna. I got a chance to walk the new bridge with my grandmother and get a whiff of the old mill smell. It was odd knowing the smell was associated with something negative as growing up I remember it so vividly as part of my youth and good experiences there. I have to admit I kind of enjoyed that old smell but in my head I knew maybe I shouldn't really be taking such deep breaths. :)

Date: September 1, 2001
Name: Jim Worster
Location: Plymouth

Ken is there any photos of when the center of town had the big fire? I can remember the whole town smelling of smoke for weeks.
The Cattail press is great! As I travel a round I can still keep in touch. GREAT JOB

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